Register as Panellist


Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre Procedures for Inclusion on
the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre Administrative Panel

  1. Introduction

    The Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC) is a joint undertaking by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), the Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee (IDRC) and the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC). In recognising the need for proper dispute resolution mechanisms for resolving domain name disputes, the ADNDRC has established an Administrative Panel who have the necessary expertise and knowledge to assist disputants to resolve their domain name differences in a quick and cost-effective manner.

  2. Objectives of the ADNDRC Panel Assessments

    The ADNDRC Panel Assessment system is designed:

    • To establish and safeguard minimum professional standards for the resolution of domain name disputes in accordance with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), Rules and the ADNDRC Supplemental Rules;

    • To help the public utilise the best existing domain name dispute resolution, arbitration, intellectual property and information technology expertise throughout the world, and

    • To encourage professional advancement and training for those who are part of the domain name dispute resolution process.

  3. The ADNDRC Administrative Panel Listing Requirements

    Each candidate who wishes to be considered for inclusion on the ADNDRC Administrative Panel must demonstrate to the ADNDRC Panel Selection Committee (the "Committee") the following:

    • the candidate has at least 10 years’ experience in intellectual property and/or technology law;

    • the candidate has practical experience in domain name dispute resolution, arbitration or other dispute resolution mechanisms;

    • the candidate has an established and recognised reputation in his/or field; and

    • the candidate has not been found guilty of misconduct by a court or disciplinary tribunal which calls into question the candidate's ability to act as an Administrative Panelist.

    Each application shall be accompanied by two (2) written references verifying the candidate’s skills and experience relevant to the above criteria.

    The Committee in its entire discretion may waive any of the above criteria. The decision of the Committee is final.

  4. Renewal of ADNDRC Administrative Panel Listing

    Inclusion on the ADNDRC Panel shall be for a period of three years, ending on 31 December of the third year. All Panellists shall be required to renew their inclusion on the Panel by submitting a Renewal Form together with an up-to-date CV prior to the final published sitting date of the Panel Selection Committee in the year of expiry.

  5. Terms of Empanelment

    All Panellists are required to adhere to the ADNDRC Terms of Empanelment, which is available here. If a Panellist fails to observe the Terms of Empanelment, the Committee may at its discretion remove the Panellist without providing reasons for doing so. The decision of the Committee shall be final.

  6. Application Procedures

    A candidate for inclusion on the ADNDRC Panel is required to complete and submit an Application Form, an up-to-date CV AND TWO WRITTEN REFERENCES LETTERS. These documents are to be submitted electronically to the ADNDRC Panel Selection Committee, C/o Secretary General of the ADNDRC, at

English Version:

ADNDRC Empanelment Application Form (PDF Version) (Word Version)
ADNDRC Empanelment Renewal Form (PDF Version) (Word Version)

Chinese Version:

ADNDRC Empanelment Application Form (PDF Version) (Word Version)
ADNDRC Empanelment Renewal Form (PDF Version) (Word Version)